Annual Reports
The Deadline for Submission is June 15, 2024.
1. Refer to the file Reaccreditation Requirements 2024.
2. Submit through the Google Form provided below on or before 11:59 PM, Saturday, June 15, 2024, the 2023 Annual Report of the Club containing the undertaken activities/programs / projects pertinent to UNESCO’s ideals and thrusts for June 2023 to May 2024 as well as the planned endeavors for 2024 to 2025.
a. File type: Microsoft Word
b. File name: 2023 Annual Report of (NameofYourUNESCOClub)
3. For Contact Person: The Contact Person is the focal official of your Clubs for UNESCO with which NCBCUP shall direct its communications for updates, announcements, and the like.
4. A re-accreditation fee of Php1000.00 should be settled on or before 11:59 PM, Saturday, June 15, 2024. Please deposit the money in the following account:
Account Name: NCBUCP INC
Account Number: 1981-1777-69
Land Bank of the Philippines – YMCA Branch
For deposits from abroad, please use LBP Swift Code: TLBPPHMM
Payment via GCASH is discourage because of additional service fee that being deducted to our GCASH account. But if you insist on paying via GCASH please send Php1100.00 to 09479824155 (Serafin Arviola)
5. For Club Details:
a. Should you need to write the acronym of your club name, do indicate its complete meaning as well.
b. Include the Club Advisers in the List of Officials.
c. Under Advocacy and Projects, recognize the core mission of your club.
i. Theme / Program Sector includes (a) Education, (b) Social & Human Sciences, (c) Science & Technology, (d) Information & Communication, and/or (e) Culture. It is NOT necessary to fill in more than one sector. This depends on the advocacy of your club. If involved with multiple sectors, write according to priority with 1 as the highest.
ii. Values can be (a) Social Inclusion, (b) Civic Engagement & Participation, (c) Intercultural Dialogue, (d) Social Entrepreneurship & Innovation, (e) Skills Development, and/or (f) Violence and Conflict Prevention, and Consolidation of Peace
iii. For Fields for Action Projects, choose a specific field corresponding to a value. See Values& Fields in the succeeding page.
6. For Accomplished Activities: Include only those that are aligned with any of the UNESCO’s program sectors which were conducted between the duration of June 2023 to May 2024.
7. For Participation in NCBUCP Projects: Identify which activities or projects your club participated in. Among these activities, put at most two (2) action photos with each of its brief descriptions. Sample activities include NCBUCP Sponsored Webinars, Y4U Certificate of Participation, Participation in the Chat Group, Enikkie Chrildrens Arts Festa, and WHEN.
8. For Future Projects: NCBUCP identified International Days proclaimed by the United Nations and observed at UNESCO.
9. For the Google Form, this is the link:
For other concerns, email or you can communicate directly to the NCBCUP Head of Membership Committee at 09178271880.
Download these files: