Leadership Literacies:
Piling Pili, Pinong Pino
Dear UNESCO Clubs and partners nationwide!
We would like to thank you all for participation in our UNESCO Clubs Webinar Series empowering more than 2,000 young people and teachers nationwide. The following webinars were implemented to provide young people and educators the platform to exchange ideas and proposed viable solutions to effect change in the midst of pandemic:
• UNESCO Clubs Webinar Series 1:
“Empowering the Youth in the Midst of Pandemic via UNESCO’s Programs and Projects for 2021”
March 8, 2021 via Zoom
• UNESCO Clubs Webinar Series 2:
“Dare to Care! Care for Peace”
May 6, 2021 via Zoom
• UNESCO Clubs Webinar Series 3:
Online Art Workshop, “Art as an Instrument of Peace.”
May 15, 2021 via Zoom
• UNESCO Clubs Webinar Series 4:
“Empowering Mindanaoan Youth Towards Digital Citizenship.”
May 22, 2021 via Zoom
Hosted by Pinas Forward, the UNESCO Club Webinar Series 5 on the theme “Leadership Literacies: Piling Pili, Pinong Pino” with historian and TV personality Xiao Chua shall be held on June 26, 2021 (Saturday) at 4:00 pm via zoom. MICHAEL CHARLESTON “XIAO” B. CHUA is a Ph.D. candidate in Anthropology in University of the Philippines Diliman. He is an Assistant Professorial Lecturer in the History Department of De La Salle University and a columnist for Abante and The Manila Times.
In this regard, we request again participants from your club. All accredited UNESCO Clubs should send at least 50 participants to the webinar and register here Screenshot your registration and upload it to our FB page Please be reminded that one of the criteria for a club to re-accredited this year as a UNESCO Club is active participation in NCBUCP's sponsored webinar.
Dr. Serafin A. Arviola Jr.
Chairman NCBUCP
GenLit Series is Here!
Pinas Forward has an ongoing series of Formation Webinars which started last year at the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. Thru these webinars, Pinas Forward seeks to empower the Filipino youth to dream for a better Philippines through the power of connection. Our diverse network includes academic institutions, public and private organizations, and local government units. Since 2018, we were able to conduct 838 training sessions in 600 institutions producing outstanding young leaders with the heart to help communities.
On May 22, 2021, Pinas Forward and the UNESCO Clubs of the Philippines will hold a virtual discussion with the theme “Empowering Mindanaoan Youth Towards Digital Citizenship.” A customized program for students and youth leaders on digital impact and information consumption on social networks will be covered in the said event.
As such, we are inviting all UNESCO Clubs and partners in Mindanao to participate in our event by registering thru this link: Certificate of Participation shall be provided to all zoom attendees.
We are expecting 1000 participants from various institutions in the region to join our virtual discussion.
Heads up! 15th Enikki Festa
Dear UNESCO Clubs,
The National Coordinating Body of UNESCO Clubs Philippines, Inc. (NCBUCP) will be launching its Flagship Project for 2021-2022 on May 15, 2021 at 1:00 – 3:00 PM via Zoom. The 15th Mitsubishi Asian Children’s Enikki Festa through an Online Art Workshop with the theme, “Art as an Instrument of Peace.” Our resource person is Ms. Janine Mae Magbanua, an award-winning visual artist from General Santos City, Mindanao.
This event is designed to provide an opportunity for children worldwide to understand Asian people’s daily lives through illustrated diaries. Children from 24 different countries and region in Asia will be invited to draw their illustrated diaries under the theme of “Here is my Life”. In the Philippines, this event is being facilitated by NCBUCP.
(1) Launching of the Festival via Zoom: May 15, 2021
(2) Start of Sending of Illustrated Diaries: June 1 – October 31, 2021
(3) National Screening in the Philippines: November 15, 2021
(4) National Awarding in the Philippines: December 10-12, 2021
(5) International Screening in Japan: April, 2022
(6) The Award Ceremony and a cultural exchange program: July 2022 (Yokohama, Japan)
In this regard, we would like to invite your club to serve as an arm of NCBUCP in implementing this project in your school and localities. We would like to encourage you to look for at least 50 elementary school children to participate in the webinar and eventually send entries for this competition.
All participants are required to have the following art materials during the webinar such as bond paper, sketchpad (optional), pencil, eraser, and any of the following: crayon, oil pastel/craypass, mixing plate, paint brushes, water color, tooth pick, marker, and sign pens.
This webinar will be done nationwide with a maximum of 500 pupils ages 6 to 12 (Grade 1 to 6) both from public and private schools. Interested elementary teachers may also join. Participants must register through the pre-registration link on or before May 12, 2021 at:
You can download the entry forms at
We hope that you will make this project as your own and encourage creativity among Filipino Children.
Thank you.
Dr. Serafin A. Arviola Jr.
Chairman, NCBUCP
Dear Accredited UNESCO Clubs nationwide;
Thank you for participating in our first UNESCO Clubs Webinar Series last March 8 in celebration of International Women's Day. Out of 700 registered participants, 450 actually attended and we are happy about your active participation.
Our 2nd UNESCO Club Webinar Series shall be held on May 6, 2021, at 8:00 pm via zoom in coordination with Living Peace International in celebration of United World Week.
Background of United World Week
The United World Week took off in May 1995 atthe end of the 5th edition of Genfest – the regular international meeting ofthe youth around the world who believe that a united world is possible. It has thepurpose of giving life to relations of peaceful coexistence between people andcultures and to propose to local, national, and supranational institutions togive value to every action aimed at universal brotherhood. The united worldweek has begun as a symbolic journey through the 5 continents to rediscover theheritage of various cultures, religions, and civilizations. 20 years after thelaunch of the United World Week, multiple “fragments of fraternity” werecreated in various points of the planet, especially where there is loneliness,poverty, marginalization. These actions that carried forward the United WorldWeek created a public opinion in the mass media all over the world with animpact in different areas of politics, sports, culture, and religion. We have achallenge: Be protagonists of peace and unity between different generations andcultures. This year's UWW celebration is centered on the pathway which is #DaretoCare.It is the slogan and hashtag of our campaign to promote engagement, commitment,active involvement, appreciation… of what? The most vulnerable, the planet, ourinstitutions, our cities, our neighborhoods, the problems of society around us.
In this regard, we request again participants from your club. All accredited UNESCO Clubs should send at least 30 participants to the webinar and register here Screenshot your registration and upload it to our FB page Please be reminded that one of the criteria for a club to re-accredited this year as a UNESCO Club is active participation in NCBUCP's sponsored webinar.
Please disseminate this letter to your club members and also share our publicity materials to your FB account.
Very truly yours,
Dr. Serafin Arviola Jr.Chairman
National Coordinating Body of UNESCO Clubs in the Philippines (NCBUCP)

National Coordinating Body of UNESCO Clubs in the Philippines, Inc. (NCBUCP)
In coordination with
UNESCO National Commission of the Philippines
UNESCO Clubs Webinar Series 1:
“Empowering the Youth in the Midst of Pandemic via UNESCO’s Programs and Projects for 2021”
March 8, 2021 via Zoom
Hosted by Pinas Forward
Please register in the google form provided to get free access to the zoom link and password.
Certificates will be given after the seminar.
In order to keep to CONSOLIDATE YOUR SUBMISSIONS AND KEEP TRACK on who have pending submissions - this portal is for you!
Kindly go to to submit either of the following:
a. APPLICATION FORM (Accreditation) - due Aug 31 11:59pm
b. ANNUAL REPORT (Re-accreditation) - due Aug 31 11:59pm
c. NEWS ARTICLE (for the next newsletter) - due Sept 6 11:59pm
Again, no need to email files anymore in the previous instruction as provided. This portal is all you need!
For those who have submitted, WE REQUIRE YOU TO RESUBMIT through this portal. Thank you!
To all UNESCO Accredited Clubs! How are you? We Would like to invite you for a webinar Kamustahan with PinasForward .
Please check our schedules below:
June 19, 2020 - Bicol Region (2 PM)
June 26, 2020 - Visayas Area (2 PM)
July 3, 2020 - National Capital Region (2 PM)
To sign up for these regional meetings, please click this link to register:
Only those who signed up will receive the webinar link. Thank you!
We will have another set of webinar for the rest of Luzon and Mindanao after July 3.
1. Kamustahan
2. Re-accreditation and accreditation updates.
3. PF Bahay Ani Campaign
4. Planning for Online Bayani Youth Camp
5. Planing for 2020 Y4U
6. Updates on UNESCO Club Heritage FB Challenge
NCBUCP participates in National Heritage Month
The National Coordinating Body of UNESCO Clubs in the Philippines (NCBUCP), Inc. in support of UNESCO National Commission's online #virtualtour initiative as part of celebrating the NATIONAL HERITAGE MONTH, we share to you this opportunity to contribute in our nation's celebration!
Share your photos, videos, and/or artwork on UNESCO-inscribed sites in the Philippines. These are World Heritage Sites, Creative Cities, Intangible Cultural Heritage, and Biosphere Reserves and submit through the google form.
If selected, we will FEATURE these contributions to our official social media sites.
Here's the link of submission portal:
If you wish to join other activities made by NCCA, here's their website:
Upcoming WEBinars
GNLC Webinars: UNESCO Learning Cities' Response to COVID-19
Date: 23 March 2020 to 28 May 2020
Where: Worldwide (Germany)
Many of the 173 UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities (GNLC) members around the world face severe challenges due to the coronavirus (COVID-19). These challenges include a record number of children and youth who are not in school or university because of temporary or indefinite closures mandated by governments in an attempt to slow the spread of the virus.
In order to exchange solutions, discuss contingency plans and share distance-learning approaches, members of the UNESCO GNLC will convene webinars organized by the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL). Non-member cities are also invited to join the online events, share their experiences and learn from other cities.
Upcoming webinars
13 May 2020
Topic: Prison population: Challenges and measures taken in the pandemic time
Region: World
Time: 13:00-14:00h CET
Login: Please click the following link to join the webinar, Webinar ID: 318 256 129
20 May 2020
Topic: New ways of governance, partnership and education
Region: World
Time: 13:00-14:00h CET
Login: Please click the following link to join the webinar,
Webinar ID: 889 172 374
27 May 2020
Topic: Economic and social and education recovery
Region: World
Time: 13:00-14:00h CET
Login: Please click the following link to join the webinar,
Webinar ID: 169 888 490
3 June 2020
Topic: Human & civil rights protection
Region: World
Time: 13:00-14:00h CET
Login: Please click the following link to join the webinar:,
Webinar ID: 557 649 372
10 June 2020
Topic: General response to COVID-19
Region: Arab countries
Time: 13:00-14:00h CET
Login: Please click the following link to join the webinar:,
Webinar ID: 939 677 151