Global Citizenship Education

NAUCP pioneers establishment of

GCED Network in PH

by Kenjave Mark T. Parlero

Sustaining the UNESCO’s thrust to- wards global citizenship, the Nation- al Association of UNESCO Clubs in the Philippines, Inc. (NAUCP) part- nered with UNESCO Asia and Pacif- ic Regional Bureau Bangkok Office in establishing the Global Citizenship Education (GCED) network in the Phil- ippines through the 2nd GCED Work- shop for Teacher Education during the 2018 International Assembly of Youth for UNESCO held at the ICON Hotel, Timog, Quezon City on September 6-8, 2018.

The workshop convened a total of fifty (50) deans and faculty of teacher education institutions, academicians, school administrators and educators of private and public schools, and repre- sentatives of education-related agen- cies and organizations.

The training-workshop consisted of four (4) modules centered on the aim to establish GCED network in the Philippines. Each module was facilitated by prominent experts and resource per- sons on GCED from various local and international UNESCO organizations.

The first module entitled Preparing Teachers for Global Citizenship Work- shop: “Essential Learning Themes & Pedagogy of Global Citizenship Educa- tion” was facilitated by Dr. Toh Swee- Hin (S.H.Toh), Professor Emeritus of the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada and Laureate, UNESCO Prize for Peace Education (2000). The second module on “GCED Action Plans and Way Forward” was facilitated by Ushio Miura, Programme Specialist from UNESCO Bangkok. The third module

highlighted the GCED Best Practic- es and Initiatives as outcomes of the 1st National Workshop on GCED for Teacher Education Institutions. The workshop was facilitated by Dr. Ma. Theresa P. Pelones, Philippine Dele- gate to the 18th APTW on Global Citi- zenship held in South Korea. Lastly, the last module was centered on crafting GCED action plans which was facilitat- ed by Dr. Serafin Arviola, Jr., Chairman of the NAUCP, Inc.

The workshops culminated with the presentation and submission of GCED action plans on the regional, institutional and national scale. Par- ticipants are expected to implemented their crafted action plans and report their best practices and accomplish- ments to NAUCP.